
Should we be concerned about mammography utilization in the Medicare population?

The May issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR) examines current trends in mammography utilization in the Medicare population - specifically, how digital mammography may be affecting the rate of women being screened for breast cancer, as well as validating data from recent reports that a decline in the overall screening rate for women over age 40 exists.

Recent Trends in Mammography Utilization in the Medicare Population: Is There a Cause for Concern? is authored by Vijay M. Rao, M.D., David C. Levin, M.D., Laurence Parker, Ph.D., and Andrea J. Frangos, M.S., and uses data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - which supplies insight into utilization, types of examinations, and providers of services - rather than only survey data, which does not distinguish a difference between screening and diagnostic mammography, from which to draw conclusions.

source: Medicexchange, UK

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