
Lidocaine Gel Could Make Mammograms More Comfortable

Mammograms are not one of the Top 10 things women look forward to each year. In fact, they may be in the Bottom 10, or even the Bottom 3. While they don't compare to the pain of surgery or childbirth, mammograms are an uncomfortable procedure for most women, but one that is considered a necessary evil. It is easy for many women to wince at the first thought of getting their screening for breast cancer. But help may be a smear away.

A new study conducted shows that a numbing gel could ease the pain associated with getting a mammogram and may make women more likely to come back for subsequent screenings. The lead author of the study said that the gel might act as a simple secret weapon: "We now have something that we know reduces discomfort with screening mammography in women who expect higher discomfort—lidocaine gel."

source: Healthnews

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